Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tentatively old. 20's old.

Just celebrated my 20th 20 days ago!

So much for getting taller. Honestly I had high hopes =))) Just celebrated my birthday a couple of weeks ago and now has accepted the fact that I will forever be 4'11 or 5 ft. tall. I mean...I would love to have Stacey Kiebler's height. I guess when the Lord showered inches towards height I was either asleep or too pre-occupied drinking Coke. As usual.

Before the 8th of Feb, had dinner with the fam at Bubba Gump. Mmmmmm Bubba. May I just say how amazing their onion rings are. I mean, I would totally go in there and just order myself a tower of those rings and beer. It's sooooooo good. Beyond. Their Jambalaya is not so bad either. Totally glad I celebrated my old-ness there. Thanks step dad, and sister :) It's nice to celebrate with a complete family for once.

The day itself, I was stuck all day at the Med-Audi watching our professors rehearse for the Faculty Show. Haha so much for my birthday. I mean it's okay and all, it was nice to see them dance and stuff. Even got a kiss on the cheek from Ma'am Pusta! Goober goober haha. I miss the old days when I can skip school on the day of my birthday and get to eat home cooked spaghetti and fried chicken. Buuuuut being old and all certainly cuts the privilege of home cooked birthday meals. I hate being 20.

Just last Friday, celebrated my birthday at Grilla, Rockwell Drive. One-time big-time celebration with all my friends! Haha may I just say how fun and ACTION-PACKED that night was. Twas good having my highschool and college friends together on one night. Though something happened between the boys... I don't know. I still don't know how to or how should I react to that incident. But it's all over now. I'm jus glad I got to celebrate with all my friends.

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 I don't feel 20 =[
I don't wanna be 20 =[

But I'm 20 now so I really should get over it. 1 year more and I'd get to go inside Casinos. HAHAHAHAHAHA sweet. My hair's longer, I didn't get any taller but I'm happy. It feels good to say that. "I'm happy." I'm in a good, stable relationship, my academics are pretty hard but I'm getting through it everyday. I have insecurities (A LOT) but reaching 20 made me realize that I shouldn't really care less on what other people think about me, but rather make everyday memorable and worthwhile. The Lord has given me a year filled with love and I can't be thankful enough for what he has given me. All the second chances, all the blessings and every each day that I wake up to. February's about to be over in a couple of days and I'm ready.

Happy and very much ready that is :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cross fingers

I am Justin Bieber-ing at the moment. It's such a chilly Sunday afternoon and I have been tempted to update this blog for quite some time now BUUUUT being the lazy Gish that I am, this particular blog has been empty for the past few weeks.

I'm excited. Why? In less than a week, I will finally meet the family of my boy. We have been together for a year and 8 months now but I haven't met his fam officially. I mean,they live abroad. Soooo...yeah. I'm excited,at the same time I'm nervous. Would they like me? I've been pretty scared the past few days, but I hope it'll go well. I envy my boy for havin a COMPLETE family. He has a brother, a sister, mom & dad. Even a dog. Haha it seems normal for some but for me, it's quite a big deal. But I do love my family. My mom and I get through together :)

The Admanas

Friday Friday Friday. 5 more days chyeaaaaaaah
I hope I don't stutter or be awkward. They do say first impressions last a lifetime. They're staying for 3 weeks only though,I hope that's enough time to know them a little bit better. Get acquainted. I want them to know that their son is in good hands. HAHAHA that sounded a bit weird-ish. But thas what I really want them to feel. That I could be trusted.

Drag or Drab. I don't wanna look like a drab or look sloppy in a any way. But at the same time, I don't wanna like a drag queen with too much make-up on. Nahmsayin? HAHAHAHA I'm nervous. I'm really nervous. When I look at my closet, I wanna see clothes that'll make me feel confident...Lord please help me gain confidence. After all, it's not the clothes. It's the attitude that makes the person.

It's 1:40 PM and I haven't eaten lunch yet. Wake up Markieyboy!
Wish me luck this Friday?

*Cross fingers*

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'd rather have a life of "oh wells" rather than a life of "what ifs".

Ahhh yes. The long weekend. Oh,not really. I forgot I have Lit class for tom. Sigh.
But its all good. I feel like a lazy sack of potatoes with each day passing by.

Things I wanna do that's currently running through my mind:
- I wanna eat a Peanut Butter Dream bar from Mrs. Fields
- I wanna take my dog, Pancakes on a shopping spree
- I wanna watch the Harry Potter series all afternoon.
- I wanna play water polo
- I wanna make my own sushi
- I seriously want Pottermore to get my freakin email address already.
- I want a new G-shock
- I wanna read, read and read whichever.
- I wanna make deep-fried oreos
- I wanna clean my room.
- I wanna sing 'Pocketful of Sunshine' while grocery shopping
- I wanna watch a Rugrats marathon
- And maybe watch As told by Ginger too.
- I wanna lay on a surfboard and paddle myself to a pirate ship.
- I wanna get all my kicks cleaned.
- I wanna install a coke dispenser here in my room.
- I wanna stare at my Lava lamp all day
- I wanna get my hair done already.
- I wanna start working and earn cash already.
- I wanna be an Executive Producer someday.

There's really a lot more things I wanna do/be besides all those listed up there. And I do wanna make it happen. Maybe later, maybe in the future, who knows. I'd like to see myself try. I just gotta keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks,and just do what I gotta do.

Anyway, even though it's been raining the past few days, I'm totally in love with this weather. Made my PMS go away. HEH


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Welcome back 3CA5,were Juniors.

Well technically I only went to class this week once (THANK YOU ALEXA,JAYAR YOUR HOUSE WAS AWESOME,& CAY AND MIKO) Despite my sucky sched,I hope and PRAY to God I'll get use to it.

Monday 3-9PM
Wednesday 9-9PM
Friday 8-3PM
Saturday 9-12PM

Tuesday & Thursday

It feels different being in school,maybe I'm in my summer jetlag still. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA But since a lot of people left CA5,including Mark But but but enough about that. Isn't the first week of classes suppose to be easy??? My mistake. The professors already gave us a ton of homework to make Tuesday & Thursday vanish into thin air. We have 2 papers due,and I heard there was already a report needed to be done by next Wednesday. WHATTALIFE
But it's time for a change. I mean,I've been slacking it off the past 2 years. This is not me. I love school. Correction,I USE to love school. HAHAHAHA But since I have only 2 years of it left,might as well get back on the track and do some heavy studying. Hopefully,I get out of college VERY MUCH ALIVE.

Wish me luck xx

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy 2nd week of May

So it's already the 2nd week of May,tyl summer classes will be over soon.
I can't be thankful enough that it is. By the end of next week,I'm a free woman.
...until May 30th (enrollment) at least.I haven't really posted anything the past few days 'coz of my lack of internet appetite. Haven't even touched my twitter or tumblr even. HAHAHAHA internet appetite eh?

So what's been happening the past few days? Well it has been a JAYAR & ALEXA week for me and my boy. We have been patrons of Garage 88 ever since Mr. Jayar's birthdayy.
It has been a coke & rhum week for us \m/

The good thing about heavy liquor,is
#1 -it won't give you "beer belly"
#2- won't make you puke instantly


Which brings me to the question...have we found our couple's best friend??? lol just happen to come across that term on How I met your Mother

It's really nice to hang with another couple so then you won't have to feel guilty about being with just a friend by himself/herself while you and your partner hold hands or something. It's not right to have a friend feel left out.
PLUS PLUS PLUS it's really nice that they invite us to places near Makati area.


Where have we been the past 2 weeks?
- Garage 88 (Of course)
- Pier One the Fort
- Tagaytay (Leslie's)
- Greenbelt
- Park Square Kart Track
- Jupiter Street

There's not enough "thankyou" to give out to these two.
NEXT NEXT let's hit Grams Diner please!!!

&& for the last remaining days of summer,

Head's up for the LS outing on the 21st! GOODVIBES ALL THE WAY

Monday, May 2, 2011

Girls made of Salt and Tequila


So awhile ago,Debok(first one from the left) made a drastic move of telling me that she's staying in Florida...for good. I really don't know why, but I felt deeply disturbed. See,these three girls are the only ones I really feel comfortable talking to, and they know how to handle me. Big personality,bossy attitude and all. Hearing that Debok will not be coming back for this school year made me quite upset. Back in highschool I really didn't have that much close "girl"friends. Thas why these three are very much important to me. Majority of my close friends were guys before, I don't know why but there have been a lot of issues about it. Whatevs

Anyway,us four didn't really have that "Sisterhood in traveling pants or whatever" friendship bla, but one thing's for sure...we always knew what to say to each other. AND we don't go out too often together,but when we do it's always epic. Haha yes. Epic.

And I'm not saying us 4 don't argue. Oh but we do.
But I think personally,the reason why I like being with these 3 is that when I'm with them...I don't have to hide anything. I can tell them anything,point blank.

So hi Debok.
Of you 3,you're the person where I had the least bonding time with. And I'm not blaming you or myself for it. But when we do talk,you listen. So thank you for that :) You always know when something's up. You always ask if I'm okay and shit,and you invite me even if I don't go out with you and Alexa so often. You lend me shirts EVEN IF we know that you're bazillion times smaller than my size. And,it's always good to have your positive energy around. So thank you,really.

This is not gunna be some dramatic blog post about your sudden urge to stay there at Florida,but you know what? I'm gunna miss you :) But you told me that you're still deciding whether you'll stay or not right? Well whatever you decide, were gunna back you up. Just make sure that your decision will be based on your own, not from us. See? I made this blog input even if you're not sure. But based from our convo earlier,I think you already made one.

And hello Alexa,I hope you're ready to make up for last Friday. I sort of hate you for bailing on us.
Looking forward to our trip to Tagaytay!!!

Hide your clothes Cay,were sleeping over by Wednesday =P

Oh by the way did you know?
were Fakakta Girls♡

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bite off more than you can chew


I've been intoxicated with heavy liquor majority of all my sessions during this summer vaca. Seems like I got so used to it that I forgot how to handle my beer intake already.

Let's just say I could still remember that night from how it smells on my bedroom floor.

© Arbie Bithao


You should look at us now Riley. OR BETTER YET,show your gorgeous face to us if you must ♡