Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cross fingers

I am Justin Bieber-ing at the moment. It's such a chilly Sunday afternoon and I have been tempted to update this blog for quite some time now BUUUUT being the lazy Gish that I am, this particular blog has been empty for the past few weeks.

I'm excited. Why? In less than a week, I will finally meet the family of my boy. We have been together for a year and 8 months now but I haven't met his fam officially. I mean,they live abroad. Soooo...yeah. I'm excited,at the same time I'm nervous. Would they like me? I've been pretty scared the past few days, but I hope it'll go well. I envy my boy for havin a COMPLETE family. He has a brother, a sister, mom & dad. Even a dog. Haha it seems normal for some but for me, it's quite a big deal. But I do love my family. My mom and I get through together :)

The Admanas

Friday Friday Friday. 5 more days chyeaaaaaaah
I hope I don't stutter or be awkward. They do say first impressions last a lifetime. They're staying for 3 weeks only though,I hope that's enough time to know them a little bit better. Get acquainted. I want them to know that their son is in good hands. HAHAHA that sounded a bit weird-ish. But thas what I really want them to feel. That I could be trusted.

Drag or Drab. I don't wanna look like a drab or look sloppy in a any way. But at the same time, I don't wanna like a drag queen with too much make-up on. Nahmsayin? HAHAHAHA I'm nervous. I'm really nervous. When I look at my closet, I wanna see clothes that'll make me feel confident...Lord please help me gain confidence. After all, it's not the clothes. It's the attitude that makes the person.

It's 1:40 PM and I haven't eaten lunch yet. Wake up Markieyboy!
Wish me luck this Friday?

*Cross fingers*

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